How do I became Google Associate Android Developer?

Android is an open source operating system developed by Google. It provides a large number of applications. Around 2.6 million applications have been launched by Google play store and most of them are free and easy to download.

AAD is a certificate provided by Google to Android developers, who passed the online evaluation project and interview. A developer with an AAD certificate has a chance to stand out in the market and evaluate his abilities whether is ready for industry or not. 

On completing, Google provides the developer with a certificate or badge. The developer can use this badge and certificate on his social media forums because it has many advantages. 

An Android application developer is required to have the below mentioned skills.

  1. How to build and design Android Applications

  2. How to work with the designing and testing team to produce a bug free project.

  3. How to work with different API and data sources

  4. How to remove the bugs

  5. How to continue the evolution of new technology

Following are the steps of getting android developer Google certification.

#1 Make a decision  

First of all, you have to decide whether an Android development certification is right for you or not. This certificate may be helpful to your entry in industry. According to Google, 82% see their career in it. As it may increase their salary as an Android developer. 

#2 Eligibility Criteria

The second step is to check, you are meeting the required criteria. As per Google, you have to be able to speak and understand the English. You have to be 13 years old or more. You are using the latest version of Android.

#3 Deciding Between Java and Kotlin

Java and Kotlin are the most easily understandable programming languages. It is up to you to make a choice between both of them. Java is object oriented programming discovered in 1953 and Kotlin is an open source language invented in 2011. 

#4 Learnings

Before taking the exam, you need to master the learning that Google developer courses.

Usually you need to understand 

  1. App functionality

  2. Android User Interface

  3. Data Management

  4. Debugging 

  5. Testing

#5 Registration

Once you have met all the requirements, you can now register for the exam on Associate Android Developer site. Click the signup link and choose between Java and Kotlin. Read the terms and conditions and finally apply for the test. 

#6 Take the Exam 

Once the registration is done, you are ready to take the exam. The first section is about functionality and to debug a project. The second part of the exam is about exit interviews which tell you about the completion of a project

#7 Wait for Result

You have to wait till 45 days after completing your test. 


The below mentioned are the advantages of associate android developer.

  1. You can be certified on your resume or social media platforms.

  2. You will be able to be hired as an Android developer in different companies.

  3. Your clients will pay you higher than before with Google code certification. 

  4. You can get a salary increase by your organization. 

  5. You can get high rank over those with no certificate.

  6. You can participate in such development forums where all the expenses should be paid by Google. 

So If you are interested in getting More Google Views, This certificate is surely going to be helpful. 


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